All our staff aim to offer patients a positive experience, however, we recognise that sometimes things can go wrong.
It is important that we hear from patients if this happens as this can help us learn and make improvements.
You can contact the Practice directly for a complaints form or arrange an appointment with the Practice Manager.
In the event of anyone not wishing to complain to the practice they should be directed to make their complaint to North East London ICB (Integrated Care Board).
By telephone: 020 8221 5750
By email:
By post: NHS North East London Care Board 4th Floor - Unex Tower 5 Station Street London E15 1DA
Complaining On Behalf Of Someone Else
If you are submitting a complaint on behalf of someone else, please note due to medical confidentiality you must provide a letter of informed consent signed by the person concerned unless the patient is incapacitated (because if illness) to do so.
If the patient does not have the capacity to consent you will be asked to follow the confidentiality guidelines in order to protect the interests of the patient.