Our services to you the patient
We will do our best to look after your health needs by treating and preventing illness. You should find our services helpful, kind, caring and confidential.
When you attend the surgery, we will provide you with a service as promptly as possible and will endeavour not leave you waiting more than 30 minutes for your appointment without an explanation.
Practice staff will treat any information you give as confidential. You are welcome to see your health records if you wish and applications for this must be made in writing to the practice manager
We have a complaints procedure and if you are not happy about any services you should tell us. We will take the matter seriously and do our best to resolve any issues raised.
Staff Protection
The staff in the practice have the right to do their work in an environment free from violent, threatening, racist or abusive behaviour and everything will be done to protect that right.
At no time will such behaviour be tolerated in this practice. If you do not respect the rights of our staff we may choose to inform the police and make arrangements for you to be removed from our practice list.
Freedom Of Information Act Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a publication scheme. A publication scheme is a guide to the ‘classes’ of information the practice intends to routinely make available.
Consent for Student Consultation
Students are from time to time attached to this practice as part of their training to become doctors, nurses and nurse prescribers.
Consent will be obtained from patients before the consultation begins.